What Is Orlando Brown Net Worth? A Wiki & Biography Breakdown!

What Is Orlando Brown Net Worth


In the article, What Is Orlando Brown Net Worth? A Wiki & Biography Breakdown! A prominent figure in the entertainment industry. Orlando Brown is an American actor, rapper, and singer who gained recognition for his roles in various television shows and films. We will delve into his career accomplishments, and financial success, and provide an overview of his biography. Let’s dive into the fascinating journey of Orlando Brown and discover his net worth.

Orlando Brown Biography

NameOrlando Brown
Full NameOrlando Brown Prince Michael Jackson Jr.
Date of BirthDecember 4, 1987
BirthplaceLos Angeles, California, USA
Age35 years old
Height5’ 6” (1.70m)
Weight78 kg or 171 lbs
ProfessionAmerican actor
Spouse/WifeDanielle Brown
Monthly Income$7,000 +
Salary$80,000 +
Orlando Brown Net Worth 2023$1 Million

Early Life and Career Beginnings

Orlando Brown was born on December 4, 1987, in Los Angeles, California. He showed an early interest in performing arts and began his acting career at a young age. Brown’s talent and passion for entertainment led him to pursue a career in the entertainment industry.

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Rise to Fame

During his early years, Orlando Brown appeared in various commercials and small roles in television shows. However, it was his breakthrough role as Eddie Thomas in the Disney Channel series “That’s So Raven” that propelled him to stardom. The show, which aired from 2003 to 2007, gained immense popularity and showcased Brown’s comedic abilities.

Orlando Brown’s Acting Career

Following the success of “That’s So Raven,” Orlando Brown continued to make appearances in several television series and movies. He appeared in films such as “Major Payne” and “Max Keeble’s Big Move.” Brown also made guest appearances in popular TV shows like “Family Matters” and “The Jamie Foxx Show.”

Orlando Brown’s Music Career

In addition to acting, Orlando Brown pursued a career in music. He released his debut studio album titled “Trade It All” in 2006, which featured a fusion of hip-hop and R&B. Brown’s musical talent allowing him to express his creativity beyond acting and gain recognition as a versatile artist.

  1. “Fuego”
  2. “Trade It All”
  3. “Peter Pan”
  4. “Hero”
  5. “Twerk Dat!”
  6. “Man Up”
  7. “I Won’t Stop”
  8. “Smile”
  9. “It’s Real”
  10. “Missin’ You”
  1. “Trade It All”
  2. “No Compromises”
  3. “Orlando Brown”
  4. “The Reason”
  5. “Smile”
  6. “Man Up”
  7. “Hero”
  8. “Fuego”
  9. “The Journey”
  10. “Unleashed”

Orlando Brown faced several legal issues throughout his career, including arrests and substance abuse problems. These challenges affected his personal life and temporarily derailed his professional trajectory. However, Brown has taken steps towards recovery and has been open about his struggles, using his experiences to raise awareness about mental health and addiction.

What Is Orlando Brown Net Worth?

Orlando Brown is an American actor, rapper, and singer known for his role as Eddie Thomas on the Disney Channel series “That’s So Raven.” However, it’s important to note that Orlando Brown has faced personal and legal challenges in recent years, which may have had an impact on his net worth.

Orlando Brown’s net worth was estimated to be around $1 Million in 2023. However, it’s important to take this figure with caution, as celebrity net worths can fluctuate due to various factors such as career success, legal issues, and personal financial management.

Investments and Business Ventures

Orlando Brown has ventured into various business endeavors throughout his career. He has invested in real estate properties and has shown an interest in entrepreneurial pursuits. These investments and business ventures have contributed to his overall financial success.

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Orlando Brown has demonstrated a commitment to giving back to the community. He has been involved in several charitable initiatives, supporting causes such as youth education, mental health awareness, and addiction recovery programs. Brown’s philanthropic efforts reflect his desire to make a positive impact on society and help those in need.

Awards and Recognitions

Orlando Brown’s talent and contributions to the entertainment industry have been acknowledged with various awards and recognitions. He has received nominations for prestigious accolades, including the NAACP Image Awards and the Young Artist Awards. These acknowledgments serve as a testament to his skill and dedication.

Future Projects

As Orlando Brown continues to rebuild his career and personal life, he has expressed his intentions to focus on upcoming projects. While specific details may not be available at the moment, fans can anticipate seeing him in new film and television ventures. Brown’s resilience and determination indicate a promising future in the industry.


Orlando Brown’s journey in the entertainment industry has been marked by both successes and challenges. From his early breakthrough in “That’s So Raven” to his musical pursuits and entrepreneurial ventures, Brown has showcased his versatility and passion. Despite personal setbacks, he remains dedicated to his craft and is actively working towards a brighter future. With his philanthropic efforts and commitment to raising awareness, Brown aims to inspire others and make a positive impact on society.


What is Orlando Brown’s current net worth?

As of 2023, Orlando Brown’s estimated net worth is approximately $1 Million. Please note that net worth figures can fluctuate over time.

How did Orlando Brown rise to fame?

Orlando Brown gained fame through his role as Eddie Thomas in the Disney Channel series “That’s So Raven,” which enjoyed widespread popularity.

Has Orlando Brown released any music albums?

Yes, Orlando Brown released his debut studio album titled “Trade It All” in 2006, showcasing his musical talents beyond acting.

What legal issues has Orlando Brown faced?

Orlando Brown has faced legal issues including arrests and struggles with substance abuse. However, he has been working towards recovery and raising awareness about mental health and addiction.

What philanthropic causes does Orlando Brown support?

Orlando Brown is involved in charitable initiatives focused on youth education, mental health awareness, and addiction recovery programs, among other causes.

Chetan Talele

USNewsLead: Hello Friends, My name is Chetan. I am the Writer and Founder of this blog and share all the information related to Most Famous Richest People’s and Celebrities’ Net Worth and Biography!

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